Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Benefiting YOU | Spring 2021

In this issue: 2021 Educational Scholarship recipients; California legislative updates; wage increases and overtime changes; spotlight on cancer

President’s Message

What Sets Us Apart

“Ideas excite me. Empathy grounds and centers me.”

- Satya Nadella

If the past year and a half have proven anything, it’s that we live in chaotic times. Even when things seem calm on the surface, there is often chaos bubbling underneath. And through all of this, UnitedAg has continued to evolve, iterate and innovate.

Last year during the pandemic, UnitedAg celebrated its 40th anniversary. It made me reflect on what UnitedAg does well and how we can be resilient even when times are tough.

What is the secret sauce of UnitedAg? How are we different?

I thought about a quote from one of my favorite movies, Inception. In the movie, the main character asks, “What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed—fully understood—that sticks.”

We think of ideas as the work of a sole auteur, a person who thinks it in a flash of inspiration and maniacally works until it’s a reality. But Inception defies that idea. To create an idea that will take hold of his target’s brain, the protagonist assembles a specialized team of experts. He understands what all great leaders understand. The best, most world-defining ideas are birthed together. It is because of the crazy, eccentric, unique strengths of each person on a team that innovation can happen. The team is the most underrated ingredient for innovation.

I’ve felt this more than ever over the last few months.

Recently, we have been so fortunate to attract extremely strong, talented employees, with deep healthcare experience, that are already making a tremendous and immediate impact on UnitedAg and our members. In the past couple of months we have hired Alex Chee, Chief Financial /Technology Officer, Sachin Varma, Senior Director of Underwriting and Yvonne Park, Associate General Counsel. They bring with them infectious energy that impacts our entire team and the results are dynamic and exponential.

These team members have helped us morph and expand what UnitedAg is all about. We are looking at new ways to approach our benefits offerings and taking UnitedAg to the next level—a new level of transforming the member’s experience.

During my time at UnitedAg, I’ve realized that in okay companies 1+1=2. Here at UnitedAg, 1+1=3.

How does 1+1=3? At UnitedAg, there is that extra X factor that comes into play when we bring our ideas together. When we collaborate to make this company cutting edge, there is something generated that is more than the sum of our parts.

At UnitedAg, 1+1=3. In many ways, I am grounded and limited by my experiences. But by tapping into everyone’s experiences, we all get a more nuanced understanding of what we can do to change the landscape of agriculture and healthcare. We get a better understanding of how to serve our members. UnitedAg is unique because of you. Your collaboration, ideas and work.

Thank you for helping us make 1+1=3.

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  • Kirti Mutatkar, CEO