Our priority is to protect our members' best interests. We ensure our members' voices are heard at both the state and federal levels. Advocacy is a key component of our government affairs work. We carefully monitor, track and advocate for or against legislative or regulatory proposals that can affect the nation's and the states' agricultural interests. Our team covers all aspects including letter writing, phone calling campaigns as well as trips to Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Get the latest advocacy news by reading our Advocacy in Action newsletter!

Read the Summer 2024 update

2024 Farm Bill

The Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 is the product of extensive feedback from stakeholders and all Members of the House, and is responsive to the needs of farm country through the incorporation of hundreds of bipartisan policies. The release of this draft is a significant step forward in a years-long, deliberative process. Following its introduction, industry and stakeholder groups from across the country have come out in support of the legislation. Read the full release

"America’s farmers and ranchers need the stability that the farm bill provides so they can withstand the unforeseen challenges of growing the food, fuel and fiber America’s families rely on."

Zippy Duvall, President, American Farm Bureau Federation



We advocate for legislation that improves access to quality healthcare and patient outcomes for our members.


We partner with lawmakers and our industry stakeholders to advocate for labor reform and ensure a reliable ag workforce.


We work with legislators and members of the industry to help build a legal and reliable workforce for agriculture.


We advocate for policies that improve water supply reliability and promote better water policy and management.